Food industry Health

UMINHO. Multipolar Valorization Center


Project Description

The search for funding is focused on promoting the valuation of the region’s marine resources and their by-products through the generation of new technologies and new high value-added products, with applications in various industrial areas, such as health and welfare, food, biotechnology and sensors.

Currently, UMinho focuses in a systemic way to guarantee the stability of economic activities -especially in the primary sector- called «sustainable economy». The only structurally stable economy that defends the renewal and care of the raw materials that are the basis of any industrial activity, is developing the Enhance MicroAlgae project that will contribute to the competitiveness of the microalgae-based industry in the Atlantic Area through the transfer of technological and economic knowledge to the commercial sector.

It is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) within the European Territorial Cooperation objective of the European Union’s Cohesion Policy for the 2014-2020 programming period.

This project promotes «The use of by-products of fishing activities that are underused to obtain high added value products, as well as marine organisms that, under certain conditions, increase their properties or become a very useful source of molecules and compounds in certain sectors of the industry».

Description of the Area of Activity / Technology

The main areas of activity of the project include:

  • To offer quality solutions to the needs of companies, administrations and public and private institutions with regard to the recovery of marine resources and waste.
  • Identify potential waste and raw materials that can be profitable and whose value can be increased if used in more specific applications.
  • To establish the Multipolar Center as a guide at an Iberian and international level in the valorization of marine resources and waste. To improve the synergy between research centers and the industrial fabric.


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