Research Entities

In Galicia and the North of Portugal there is a knowledge pole in which very outstanding research capabilities are concentrated in different disciplines linked to biotechnology as well as in other areas of knowledge related to it, such as ICT or the health or the sectors. agri-food field.

These organizations are their main research centers related to the university system of the Euroregion Galiza – Northern Portugal. We also highlight entities linked to the world of hospital research, as well as other areas and disciplines related to the biotechnology sector that carry out R&D and whose research results in many cases are brought to the market in different ways.

This section describes the main research entities linked to the biotechnology sector in the Euroregion. Most of them are very active in the production of R&D results with practical application in the market and which end up being valued through the launch of university-based companies or by licensing research results, among other formulas.

What entities produce biotechnology research results?

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