Investigation Marine

Centro Tecnológico del Mar (CETMAR)

Centro Tecnológico del Mar (CETMAR)


Centro Tecnológico del Mar – Fundación CETMAR is a public foundation that since 2001 has been working to improve the marine environment, its resources and all the sectors that make a living from it, promoting innovation and environmental, social and economic sustainability.

CETMAR develops its activity in the national, European and international fields, being beneficiaries of its actions all the sectors of the public or private field related to the sea and its resources and to the marine environment in general.

Within its activity, it stands out:

  • Management and coordination of R&D&I and international cooperation projects
  • Carrying out services and technical, economic and social studies
  • Design and implementation of training and dissemination activities
  • Creation and participation in networks and research platforms

Areas and Research Groups

  • Management area
  • Control and management of the marine environment and resources
  • International cooperation
  • Training
  • Promotion and technology transfer
  • Socioeconomics of fishing
  • Fishery products technology
  • Marine Technology Unit

Join us!

Do you want to appear on the platform? If you are part of the biotechnological sector of the Euroregion Galicia – North of Portugal, sign up!