
Centro Singular de Investigación de Galicia (CINBIO)

Centro Singular de Investigación de Galicia (CINBIO)


The Biomedical Research Center (CINBIOC) is a multidisciplinary research center of the University of Vigo. Its origin is in the need to provide common equipment and infrastructure to researchers specialized in biomedicine at the University of Vigo. The Center offers research services, houses bio-experimental facilities and a BSL3 laboratory, unique in the northwest of Spain.

It has more than 200 people, including professors, doctors, doctoral students and laboratory technicians[dot_i_coma] who were initially grouped in INBIOMED, ​​more than ten years working in collaboration with hospitals in the region, other universities, industry, governments. regional and local.

The CINBIO is located on the university campus of Vigo in the building annexed to the CACTI (Center for Scientific-Technological Research Support) and next to the CITEXVI (Technological City of Vigo).

Research Areas and Groups

The center’s scientific project will be organized into 5 main areas and 3 horizontal or transversal areas. Currently the center supports approximately 200 researchers grouped in the following areas:

  • Cancer:
    • Cancer phylogenomics and transmissible cancer.
    • Tumor markers/diagnosis techniques.
    • Antitumor therapy.
  • Immunity and inflammation:
    • Preventive vaccines: Tuberculosis.
    • Diagnosis: monoclonal antibodies, recombinant phages and nanobodies.
    • Development of therapies for autoimmune and inflammatory diseases through the use of nanostructures.
  • Neurosciences:
    • Studies of neuronal receptors (electrophysiology, neurotransmitters).
    • Diagnosis; Design of nanostructures for diagnosis methods / development of biosensors.
    • Synthesis of drugs for neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Biohealth and active aging:
    • Synthesis of antioxidants and prebiotics.
    • Microbiotics.Thermalism: peloids.
    • Detection methods: food control.
    • Synthesis of nutritional precursors.
  • Obesity and metabolic diseases:
    • Role of GLP-1.
    • Synthesis of drugs for metabolic diseases.
    • Immunotherapy with vaccines for type I diabetes.

Most important R&D&I projects

  • Biorefinery concept for waste potatoes: Recovery of starch and bioactive compounds
  • Removal of Phenolic Contaminants from Wastewater Streams Using Ionic Liquids
  • Photophysical effects behind hot electron injection efficiency in plasma-assisted catalysis: The joint role of morphology and composition

Access all research projects at this link.


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