Environmental Investigation

La Espiral Verde

La Espiral Verde - Eco-Natural Cosmetics of seaweed marinas


La Espiral Verde is a Galician company that was born in Vigo in 2014 as a result of a personal search for a healthier life in all areas. One of the bases of the ecological cosmetics is the use of natural ingredients obtained and elaborated through natural processes. We chose seaweed as the main component of our products because we are very familiar with it, given our Galician origins.

La Espiral Verde, an international brand, has a technical department specialized in seaweed research, an R&D department where technical professionals develop our formulas, and facilities for manufacturing, packaging, design and packaging, etc.

The products and activities of La Espiral Verde, S.L have been certified according to the BioVidaSana by the Swiss certifier bio.inspecta, composed, among others, of the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FIBL), the largest organic farming research and development laboratory in Europe.

Currently, La Espiral Verde is part of the international reference research center for seafood products Anfaco-Cecopesca, in whose Business Incubator we are installed. Furthermore, we are part of the Galician cluster of biotechnology companies Bioga, as we believe that ecology and biotechnological advances can go perfectly together on their way to a more sustainable and better world.

Areas/Lines R+D+i

Environmental Research


Phone: 616 64 34 36

Email: info@laespiralverde.com



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