Unirisco Galicia is a Venture Capital Company specialized in investing in early stage companies arising from results generated in Galician research centers (Universities, CSIC, Sergas or other technology centers).
You invest in companies:
The usual way of collaborating with a project is by getting involved in its implementation and development, through temporary minority participation in the company’s capital. This participation will have the following characteristics:
Complementarily, it can facilitate other financial formulas such as participative loans or ordinary loans.
UNIRISCO’s financial collaboration can be complemented by advisory services, both during the negotiation process (aid, search for new partners and/or investors, etc.) and once the company has been set up, by assisting the entrepreneurs in their progress and even participating on the boards of directors.
Phone: +34 881 815 550
Email: info@unirisco.com
Do you want to appear on the platform? If you are part of the biotechnological sector of the Euroregion Galicia – North of Portugal, sign up!